
Every single member brings unique expertise to the team, whether it is in the form of deep subsurface and field operations knowledge, deal search prowess or networking and fundraising skills. We are setting up a company culture to accommodate our expectations of a long future for oil & gas exploration and extraction. At KAREDA we rely on international collaboration. It is paramount to achieve a transfer of knowledge between generations and as such we are always on the lookout for new talent.

Emilian Clipea

Founder, MD, Reservoir Engineer

Emilian is a third-generation oil & gas professional. In December 2021 he founded KAREDA, initially as a consultancy business to provide operators in Romania with reservoir studies for all types of assets, including offshore gas reservoir simulations, but mostly mature brownfield assets. He is trained in coordinating and carrying out integrated reservoir studies (reservoir characterization, modelling, simulation), writing FDPs and spotting new opportunities (perforation, workover) at an operational level.

His self-taught specialization is private equity funding for energy and natural resources projects, especially for the early-stage exploration phase. To facilitate the financing procedure for exploration, Emilian is currently setting up ALVERADA, which is aimed to be a specialist fundraiser for its niche.

Emilian holds a BEng degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Aberdeen (2020) and a MSc degree in Reservoir Evaluation and Management from Heriot-Watt University (2021). During his undergraduate years (2016-2020) he was a scholar of Canadian Natural Resources.

Dr. Markus Harting


Dr. Harting is an accomplished executive with a comprehensive understanding of the technical, operational, economic, and regulatory aspects of the global oil, gas and energy industry with more than 25 years of experience. He was involved on a wide range of international projects in the upstream E&P industry and maintains a demonstrable track record of adding commercial value.

Michael Erickson


Mr. Erickson is a highly experienced and seasoned executive with over 25 years experience founding, financing, and operating both public and private oil and gas companies. Mr. Erickson has been directly involved in approximately $1 billion of equity/debt financings and asset & corporate acquisitions.

Dr. Marian Clipea

Head of Geoscience and Reservoir Engineering, Senior Reservoir Engineer

Marian is an accomplished reservoir engineer with a 30+ year experience in both technical and management roles, here counting 14 years with Petrom (National Oil Company), 2 years with Beicip-Franlab, 1.5 years with HOT Engineering Austria, and 10+ years with 3 other privately-held E&P companies in Romania.

He possesses experience in all aspects of reservoir engineering including reservoir studies and reservoir management (asset screening, data acquisition-planning and analyses, reservoir characterization, field review and field development planning, production forecasting and economic evaluation). His track record includes 50+ feasibility/reservoir studies. Involved in designing, managing and monitoring IOR processes (water injection, infill drilling with horizontal and vertical wells), and sand control, oil and water treatment, well perforation, production tests, well stimulation, dewatering.

During his consultancy time, he performed studies for several fields within the world- class asset category, including in Libya, Kazakhstan, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Cuba, Iran and Algeria.

His main duties now include the management and coordination of activities for the maintenance of production at 40 mature fields.

He holds a MSc degree in Petroleum and natural Gas Engineering from the Oil and Gas University (UPG) Ploiești, with a subsequent PhD in Reservoir Engineering from the same institution, with published research on horizontal wells.

External roles: Simultaneously, he leads the subsurface department of Dacian Petroleum S.A.

Desdemona Popa

Expert Geophysicist

39 years experience in oil industry as a geoscientist, being involved in numerous projects for both exploration of new fields or mature giant reservoirs.

Desdemona has been exposed to an international working environment and dealt with clastic and carbonate lithologies, onshore and offshore areas, from different oil provinces: North Sea, Black Sea, Arabian Gulf, Caspian Sea, Romania and Egypt, in both exploration and production projects.

She is an international expert in geophysical interpretation.

Her area of expertise covers the seismic interpretation workflow, with focus on seismic stratigraphy concepts application and velocity modeling for time-depth conversion.

  • High level seismic sequence stratigraphy interpretation (2D and 3D surveys, PSTM and PSDM(T,D) data);
  • High level interpretation and use of seismic attributes, seismic inversion data as well as spectral decomposition results;
  • Seismic-to-well tie and calibration using checkshot and VSP data interpretation;
  • Synthetic seismograms generation and seismic event identification;
  • High level velocity data (3D seismic and wells) analysis, velocity calibration, velocity modeling;
  • Depth conversion workflows application based on original input data, velocity and time to depth maps generation.

In addition, her the professional experience includes:

  • Geological modeling (log correlation, core data integration, stratigraphic zonation), structural, isopach and isochrones maps generation, estimation of initial distribution of reservoir fluids on the basis of well log data and production tests results, statistical analyses);
  • Evaluation of original hydrocarbons in place;
  • Appraisal package preparation;
  • Uncertainty estimation.

She is a proficient user with various software, such as Petrel, OpendTect, GeoTeric, Cyclolog, Paradigm, Hampson-Russell, GeoFrame package (IMain and InDepth), ProSource.

Lorena Brezeanu

Principal Petrophysicist and Senior Geologist

Lorena has a solid training in geology and petrophysics with over 20 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. She has worked on various projects from the appraisal stage, to field development and rehabilitation of mature assets. The first 11 years of her career she spent with OMV Petrom as a petrophysicist. She was a member of the Fast Track team with contributions in more than 20 projects in Romania and Kazakhstan.

In 2011 she joined Expert Petroleum in Romania as geoscientist and she performed 3D geological models for different fields, in house reservoir studies and new wells log interpretation.

She is currently a member of KAREDA with responsibilities as geologist and petrophysicist.

Lorena graduated with a bachelor’s degree in geophysics and has a master’s degree in geology from the University of Bucharest

Dr. Ciprian Șoldan

Senior Geoscientist, Collaborator

Ciprian is top-performing geoscientist with a 20+ years of experience in the development of oil and gas fields for extraction purposes, as well as for operations including CO2 removal, usage and disposal.

Most of his career he has been involved in the development of Amromco’s Romanian assets, where among his responsibilities were:

  • Collect, integrate and correlate different types of data and interpretations across existing platforms (Petrel-Kingdom Geographix) for better understanding of geological setup, reservoir description and production performance. Generate maps, 3D spatial distributions and volumetric assessments.
  • Generate prospects, audit reserves and final project reports to ensure transparency of all relevant activities and processes conducted including requirements and deliverables met according to specific criteria.
  • Identify, assess and propose new opportunities, new drillings and workovers, including the preliminary design and prognosis. Provide support in project execution and monitor main activities; conduct the post-execution assessment and propose the next steps.
  • Manage the preparation of relevant documents for reserves auditors and other authorities.

Between 2019 and 2020 he has been with Qatargas working as a geology specialist on the largest gas field, with responsibilities comprising: well planning process, well execution (identify, allocate resources, verify and validate daily outputs), monitoring the progress (checking the contracts in place, raising and tracking purchase orders, target achievements, etc.) and after-action review.

More recently he specializes in providing numerical solutions, in the form of machine learning techniques, to subsurface departments with the aim of integrating rock classification using seismic, well logs and core data to define/refine new wells targets or volumes of hydrocarbons in place; validating various models based on curve fitting techniques; calculation of volume sensitivities on the Monte Carlo type of analysis; and time series multifeatured forecasts.

Ciprian has a BSc in Petroleum Geology and a MSc in Reservoir Engineering from the Oil and Gas University (UPG) Ploiești (1997). In 2008 he was awarded a PhD in Reservoir Characterization from UPG. He also has an accreditation in project management from ASE Bucharest (2004).

External appointments: He is the founder of SolDMAR, a US-based consultancy specialized in machine learning solutions for oilfield applications.