Integrated Reservoir Studies

Whether we are carrying out exploration and appraisal activities for ourselves or on behalf of a client, the centerpiece will be an Integrated Reservoir Study for the purpose of field evaluation and reserves classification.

1. Geophysics, Geology, Petrophysics

• Pre-feasibility study and planning of seismic survey shooting programs:
1. Risk assessment of the exploration prospect
2. Review of available data for regional studies about tectonic regime,
depositional environment, fault systems, sequence stratigraphy, magnetic
and gravity surveying,
3. Regional 2D/3D seismic processing and interpretation

• Interpretation and re-interpretation of subsurface seismic response:
1. Velocity models, TWT maps and time-to-depth conversion for horizons
2. AVO screening and analysis
3. Amplitude and seismic attributes analysis
4. Correlation of borehole seismic data with surface seismic responses
(well tying)
5. Fault picking on 2D lines and 3D volumes, generate fault planes and
fault polygons
6. Field mapping and digitization of maps
7. Setting up the project database
8. In the case of bidding rounds: Preparation of the application dossier

• Design and coordination of all drilling activities, both exploratory and for development

• Sedimentological, sequence stratigraphic and petrographic description of the extracted core samples

• Petrophysical interpretation of the well logs:
1. Core-log relationships
2. Zonations and identifications of lithologies and strata
3. Derivation of petrophysical properties
4. Image log interpretation

• Reservoir characterization (porosity, permeability, fluid contacts and saturations, NTG, capillary pressure, rock typing, facies analysis)

• Reservoir modelling:
1. Structural and stratigraphic modelling
2. Facies modelling
3. Petrophysical properties modelling (stochastic)
4. Multi-realizations of subsurface reservoir models
5. Comparison to other analogs
6. Dual porosity systems modeling (fractures)

• Determination of fluids in place:
1. Deterministic
2. Probabilistic

• Uncertainty analysis

2. Reservoir Engineering & Simulation, Production Technology, Management, Economics

• Incorporation of PVT, fluid characteristics, RCAL&SCAL into the static
geological model (relative permeabilities, Archie parameters, capillary
pressure), hysteresis modelling

• Pressure transient analysis (PTA) and assessment of inter-well and cross-fault
fluid communications

• Reservoir performance analysis: including identification of drive mechanism,
material balance calculations, decline curve analysis

• Assessment of cap rock integrity, fault sealing capacity and reservoir

• Reservoir simulation, forecasts, reserves evaluation:
1. Black oil
2. Compositional
3. Thermal
4. Dry gas

• Simulation, design, engineering and management of IOR/EOR processes for:
1. Waterflooding
2. Thermal (SAGD, CSS, SF)
3. Miscible and immiscible displacement
4. Polymer injection
5. Water-alternating-gas (WAG)

• Economic performance analysis and feasibility studies

• Production technology advisory

• History matching

• Database creation

3. Project Management of Exploration and Appraisal Activities

4. Reserves / Resource Classification