Investor Solutions

There are many consultancy firms that cater to the needs of E&P businesses. Yet KAREDA stands out as the only consultancy that is specialized in raising money for private exploration and development projects due to its sister company ALVERADA.

We are thus a complete provider of consultancy services to transpose visionary projects into reality.

Access to Capital

  • Discussion of financing options
  • Preliminary analysis of client company’s financial situation
  • Feasibility studies
  • Technical evaluation of the intended project
  • Public and private equity raising procedure, including preparation of full documentation, identification of financing sources, pitching the offer, presentation
  • Loan application
  • Negotiation, management and arbitration of setting up the new capital structure under the deal terms
  • Risk sharing scheme concepts

International Oil & Gas Activity Expansion

  • Developing international partnerships, joint ventures
  • Regulatory considerations and advisory
  • Advice & Management of foreign activity expansion and kick-start
  • Human Resources recruitment